Monday, March 25, 2013

10 Health Benefits of Kissing

Kissing is addictive, it's like a spell that makes you feel dizzy and will long for more. I bet all of us loves to kiss and to kissed, right? Did you know that kissing has a head-to-toe health benefits? As the saying goes: "a smooch a day keeps the doctor away".

Here are the top 10 lists of kissing health benefits I gathered around the net.

1. Kissing decreases stress

- A brief kissing with your partner can reduce stress and tension. A kiss lowers stress by decreasing the body’s cortisol levels also known as the stress hormone. At the same time kissing stimulates the brain and creates a sense of peace and calmness by altering the body’s oxytocin levels.

2. Kissing Can Prevent Illness

- Kissing gives you an immunity to illness. A quick kissing session can help keep you and the one you love safe from any unwanted illnesses. Swapping spit means swapping germs and that is nature’s natural vaccination. Being exposed to others’ germs your body makes antibodies against those germs, which can in turn lead to immunity and prevent illness.

3. Kiss is a Pain reliever

- If you have a back pain after work, get a kissing session to skip the pain reliever. Kissing releases natural chemicals in the body called endorphins that can be more powerful than the narcotic morphine to relieve pain. For anyone who has been on a powerful pain reliever such as morphine, the endorphins generated during this enjoyable act are 200 times more powerful than high intensity pain killers.

4. Kissing adds years to your life

- Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don’t. Those who forget completely may not live past supper (I hope you get the humor). Studies shows that a kiss every morning with your partner can add 5 years of his/her life.

5. Kissing helps prevent cavities

- Kissing increases saliva production and this saliva washes away bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay, and plaque build-up. Kissing can save you trips to the dentist and the sound of that dreaded drill.

6. Kissing can burn calories

- As you lean in, your lips touch, and your heart skips a beat. Well maybe it doesn’t skip a beat, but it definitely beats faster. As the heart beats faster it releases adrenaline, also known as epinephrine and other neurotransmitters in the blood. A simple, gentle kiss can burn six to twelve calories. The steamier things get the more calories you will burn. Imagine burning as many as 300 calories while making love to your significant other? Affection never looked so good.

7. Kissing keeps your heart healthy

- Kissing keeps your blood pressure & cholesterol level low. Kissing is an adrenaline producing activity. Adrenaline causes the heart to get pumping and increase blood circulation. The effects kissing has on your heart is essentially very similar to getting your heart going by aerobic exercise like running or bicycling.

8. Kissing makes you look good

- Kissing involves 34 facial muscles, and 112 postural muscles. The most important muscle involved in the peck is the orbicularis oris – as it puckers the lips. Good circulation in your face is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to stay young-looking and eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles. In fact, many women pay for facial massages to help circulate the blood. You can keep your significant other satisfied and look great all at the same time.

9. Kissing improves your mood

- Kissing has been known to reduce anxiety and stop any feelings of being overwhelmed. During a lip-lock the brain releases dopamine and which is responsible for feelings of desire and bonding, and serotonin that elevates your mood. The feelings and emotions stirred up, and molecules and chemicals released throughout the body from a kiss can heal emotional “boo boos.”

10. Kissing can cure allergies

- Kissing decreases IgE antibodies in the blood that are responsible for the release of histamine. Histamine release in the blood stream causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes. Therefore, more kissing means less sneezing and histamine release.


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