Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Digital Pad ATM Skimming Device Warning


People have been using these fake keypads in different countries since 2011 up to this day. Crooks are now more technologically advanced and use a Card Skimmer - An illegal electronic device that can capture all of the personal information (Name, Expiration date, 3 digit verification pin, etc.) from a credit/debit card and ATM card. Only a few people are aware of this so always double-check. Here are the other signs to know if it's fake:

  1.  The red, yellow and green bars or lines/buttons on the right-side are usually longer than the regular ones (cancel, clear, and accept).
  2. There are usually no marks on the left and right of the Zero (0) button.
  3. Try to raise the ATM Keypad - MAJOR sign that it's fake.

See photo for further details and comparison.

If you encounter this, immediately report it to your bank to avoid further scamming. Thank You!


Saturday, March 30, 2013

Food Beneficial to Breast Cancer Patients

What kinds of food are helpful for breast cancer patient’s rehabilitation?

The incidence of breast cancer is increasingly rising in recent years. For breast cancer patients, the best way to effectively control breast cancer is to seek for a cancer specialized hospital and actively cooperate with the doctor in the treatment. Experts suggest that, besides active treatment, good caring work, especially dietary care, is also very important. Different foods contain different nutrient elements, which have different effects on human body. Some foods can help patients resist cancers and have certain assistant effect in breast cancer treatment, while some others are bad for patients’ rehabilitation. Below is an introduction of diet for breast cancer patients.

Food beneficial to breast cancer patients

1. Hericium erinaceus
- Experts point out that hericlum erinaceus contains rich polysaccharide and polypeptide, which can effectively inhibit breast cancer cells and produce interferon. Therefore, eating more hericlum erinaceus can increase the white blood cells of breast cancer patients

2. Garlic
- Garlic is one of the foods that are beneficial to the rehabilitation of breast cancer patients, as it contains plenty of selenium, which is helpful in cancer prevention. The garlic should be chewed by fresh. Basically, several times a week will take effect in preventing breast cancer.

3. Carrots
- Study has found that, after absorbed into human body, carotin will be transformed into vitamin A, which can maintain the normal structure and function of the human epithelial tissue and obstruct invasion of carcinogen, thus to prevent breast cancer. Carrots should be eaten after cooked, as that will make it easier to absorb.

4. Asparagus
- Asparagus is also one of the foods beneficial to the rehabilitation of breast cancer patients, as it contains rich histone, which is an anti-cancer nutrient and has effect in inhibiting the growth of cancer cells. Moreover, it also contains folic acid, selenium, nucleic acids and other substances, which are helpful in preventing the diffusion of cancer cells. Therefore, eating more asparagus is good for the treatment and rehabilitation of breast cancer patients.

Dietary considerations for breast cancer patients

Dietotherapy is a strongly recommended green therapy of Chinese medication. From the point of view of the dialectic, Chinese medication believes that breast cancer patients should pay attention to the following aspects regarding the diet:

1. In daily life, patients should avoid the scallion, ginger, garlic, fatty pork, pumpkin and other foods that can break down the body’s internal balance and produce phlegm. On the other hand, kelp, seaweeds, laver, oysters, asparagus, fresh kiwi fruit can reduce phlegm and therefore patients should eat more.

2. After surgery, patients usually are very weak, and therefore should eat foods that benefit vital energy and nourish blood, so as to enhance the treatment effect and advance the day of rehabilitation. These foods include Chinese yam powder, sticky rice, spinach, kelp, crucian carp, loach, date, roses, etc.

3. When the patient's condition develops to a certain stage, the inner organs are easy to be damaged. Therefore, they should eat some cool-natured foods, which can reduce excessive heat in the body. These foods include loquat fruit, Chinese white pear, lotus root, banana, perilla-seed, olives, etc.

During the patient’s hospitalization, hospital or family members should provide appropriate diet for the patient according to nutritional and dietary principle and the patient’s tastes and physical condition before and after surgery, chemotherapy and radiation therapy, so as to effectively help the patient in rehabilitation. Experts from Modern Cancer Hospital Guangzhou remind that, diet for breast cancer patients must be carefully chosen. Otherwise, it will not only fail to reduce the patient's painfulness, but also worsen the condition of the patient.

source: facebook


A simple hand-made Mosquito Trap

Items we needed

1.) 200ml hot water
2.) 50 grams of brown sugar
3.) 1 gram of yeast (yeast bread, can be found at any supermarket)
4.) 2 liter empty plastic bottle


1.) Cut the plastic bottle (PET type) in half. storing the neck portion.
2.) Mix brown sugar with hot water. Let cool. When cold, pour in the bottom half of the bottle.
3.) Add the yeast. No need to mix it. It creates carbon dioxide.
4.) Place the funnel part, upside down, into the half of the bottle.
5.) Wrap the bottle with something black, minus the top, and put in some corner of your house.

In two weeks you will see the amount of mosquitoes who died inside the bottle.

In addition to cleaning their homes, breeding sites of mosquitoes and mosquitoes, we can use this method very useful in: Schools, Nurseries, Hospitals, homes, ranches, farms, etc. Do not forget Dengue in the upcoming months: this mosquitoes can kill a person!

Source: forums.smartcanucks.ca


Thursday, March 28, 2013

5 Facts about Good Friday

Good friday is the time for Christians to devote and reflect. Good friday is where we commemorate the crucifixion and death of Jesus Christ.

Today I will share to you the 5 facts of good friday.

1. Good Friday has recently become a national holiday in Cuba – at least for 2012. In March, Pope Benedict XVI paid a visit to the Caribbean nation and asked President Raul Castro to make the special day, April 6, a public holiday. Castro reportedly gave the Pope his answer before the pontiff left the country. It is the first time Good Friday has been recognized by the government since religious holidays were abolished in the 1960s. Christmas was reinstated after Pope John Paul II’s visit in 1998. It is unknown if Good Friday will remain a national holiday in Cuba after this year.

2. Congregations around the world reenact the crucifixion on Good Friday. In the Philippines, where Catholic fervor blends with indigenous beliefs, some devotees are actually nailed to crosses each year. The Catholic Church has condemned that ritual, but less gruesome reenactments are held in many other countries, including the U.S. Last year groups observed Good Friday with crucifixion reenactments in Michigan, Louisiana and Florida, among other states.

3. Good Friday is also known by several other names, such as Easter Friday, Great Friday (in the Russian Orthodox Church), and Holy Friday. Another name was even was thought to stem from the German, “Gottes Freitag” or “God’s Friday”. Although it may seem odd that such a sad event would be granted a name like “Good Friday,” Christian adherents believe that Jesus’s sacrifice for the eternal life of humanity is ultimately a positive message.

4. In 1985, two Oxford University researchers published a paper naming April 3, 33 AD as the original date of the crucifixion. They derived that date from astronomical tables, Scriptural documentation, and the years of Pontius Pilate’s term as procurator in Judea – 26-36 AD. The researchers point out that all four Gospels agree the crucifixion occurred during the Jewish festival, Passover.

5. Many religion scholars believe Jesus was crucified by nails driven into his wrists, not hands. French physician Pierre Barbet wrote a book called A Doctor at Calvary, in which he said humans are able to bear their own weight with the strength of their bones and ligaments within the wrists, but not with palms alone. Barbet posited that if Jesus was nailed only in his hands, he would have fallen to the ground. By the time of Jesus’s death, crucifixion had already been practiced for some 600 years and was a detailed procedure designed to be a very painful process for the victim.

Good Friday is a prominent holiday for Christians around the world, both in past centuries and today.

source: beliefnet.com


Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Eggs can prevent Burns?

This can be of help if the situation occurs so better read the story below and be aware and amaze about the use of eggs.

A young man sprinkling his lawn and bushes with pesticides wanted to check the contents of the barrel to see how much pesticide remained in it. He raised the cover and lit his lighter; the vapors ignited and engulfed him He jumped from his truck, screaming.

His neighbor came out of her house with a dozen eggs and a bowl yelling: "bring me some more eggs!"

She broke them, separating the whites from the yolks.
The neighbor woman helped her to apply the whites onto the young man's face.

When the ambulance arrived and the EMTs saw the young man, they asked who had done this. Everyone pointed to the lady in charge.

They congratulated her and said: "You have saved his face."

By the end of the summer, the young man brought the lady a bouquet of roses to thank her. His face was like a baby's skin.
A Healing Miracle for Burns:

Keep in mind this treatment of burns is being included in teaching beginner fireman. First Aid consists of first spraying cold water on the affected area until the heat is reduced which stops the continued burning of all layers of the skin. Then, spread the egg whites onto the affected area.

One woman burned a large part of her hand with boiling water. In spite of the pain, she ran cold faucet water on her hand, separated 2 egg whites from the yolks, beat them slightly and dipped her hand in the solution. The whites then dried and formed a protective layer.

She later learned that the egg white is a natural collagen and continued during at least one hour to apply layer upon layer of beaten egg white. By afternoon she no longer felt any pain and the next day there was hardly a trace of the burn. 10 days later, no trace was left at all and her skin had regained its normal color. The burned area was totally regenerated thanks to the collagen in the egg whites, a placenta full of vitamins.

Since this information could be helpful to everyone: Please pass it on?


Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Is it Really a UFO?

UFO believers took a strong interest in this strange cloud formation when it appeared over Moscow in 2009.


But meteorologists identified the ring of light as an optical effect caused by sunlight hitting what is known as a hole punch cloud. These appear as a circular or oval hole in a thin layer of air containing supercooled water droplets. When a section of the layer is disturbed, such as by wind or a jet plane passing through it, the droplets can freeze instantly or evaporate, leaving behind a hole.


Holy Week Facts

Know some facts about Holy Week. Read them all below.

Holy Week

Holy Week is the Christian name for the last week of Lent, ending the day before Easter. During this week, the last events of Christ's life are commemorated. During Holy Week, several days are observed in particular. These include Palm Sunday, Maundy Thursday and Good Friday. Holy Week is celebrated all over the world, in Catholic, Orthodox and many Protestant churches.

Spy Wednesday

Spy Wednesday is an unofficial and somewhat antiquated name sometimes used for the Wednesday of Holy Week. This is in reference to the betrayal of Jesus by Judas.

Maundy Thursday

The Thursday of Holy Week, called Maundy Thursday, is used to commemorate Jesus's last meal with his disciples. During this meal, he distributed bread and wine to his followers, describing them as his body and blood (this important event in Christianity formed the basis for the Eucharist). In addition, it was revealed at this supper that Judas would betray Jesus.

Good Friday

Good Friday commemorates the day when Jesus was crucified, after being betrayed to the Romans by Judas Iscariot. Good Friday services are very solemn, and all of Friday is considered to be a fast day in many traditions. While "good" seems like an odd description for this day, the crucifixion of Jesus had to proceed his resurrection, the basis of the Christian faith.

Holy Saturday

Holy Saturday is a relatively uneventful day in Holy Week, but it is notable for being the last day before Easter. It is considered to be another day for prayer and reflection. Many churches hold Easter vigils--dramatic services beginning late at night on Holy Saturday and finishing festively after midnight, once Easter has officially arrived.

Palm Sunday

The first day of Holy Week is Palm Sunday, which takes place exactly one week before Easter. Palm Sunday is a celebration of Jesus's triumphant entry into Jerusalem, before the events leading up to his crucifixion. Palm leaves are often distributed to church-goers.

source: eHow.com
photo credit: iloilomass.wordpress.com


Shell History

In 1925, Shell started to sell fuel in Thailand using an old 2,000 litre fuel truck. Discover more about Shell fuels, backed by technological expertise and decades of research and development by some of the best scientists from around the world.

source: Shell


Monday, March 25, 2013

10 Health Benefits of Kissing

Kissing is addictive, it's like a spell that makes you feel dizzy and will long for more. I bet all of us loves to kiss and to kissed, right? Did you know that kissing has a head-to-toe health benefits? As the saying goes: "a smooch a day keeps the doctor away".

Here are the top 10 lists of kissing health benefits I gathered around the net.

1. Kissing decreases stress

- A brief kissing with your partner can reduce stress and tension. A kiss lowers stress by decreasing the body’s cortisol levels also known as the stress hormone. At the same time kissing stimulates the brain and creates a sense of peace and calmness by altering the body’s oxytocin levels.

2. Kissing Can Prevent Illness

- Kissing gives you an immunity to illness. A quick kissing session can help keep you and the one you love safe from any unwanted illnesses. Swapping spit means swapping germs and that is nature’s natural vaccination. Being exposed to others’ germs your body makes antibodies against those germs, which can in turn lead to immunity and prevent illness.

3. Kiss is a Pain reliever

- If you have a back pain after work, get a kissing session to skip the pain reliever. Kissing releases natural chemicals in the body called endorphins that can be more powerful than the narcotic morphine to relieve pain. For anyone who has been on a powerful pain reliever such as morphine, the endorphins generated during this enjoyable act are 200 times more powerful than high intensity pain killers.

4. Kissing adds years to your life

- Those who kiss their partner goodbye each morning live five years longer than those who don’t. Those who forget completely may not live past supper (I hope you get the humor). Studies shows that a kiss every morning with your partner can add 5 years of his/her life.

5. Kissing helps prevent cavities

- Kissing increases saliva production and this saliva washes away bacteria that can cause cavities, tooth decay, and plaque build-up. Kissing can save you trips to the dentist and the sound of that dreaded drill.

6. Kissing can burn calories

- As you lean in, your lips touch, and your heart skips a beat. Well maybe it doesn’t skip a beat, but it definitely beats faster. As the heart beats faster it releases adrenaline, also known as epinephrine and other neurotransmitters in the blood. A simple, gentle kiss can burn six to twelve calories. The steamier things get the more calories you will burn. Imagine burning as many as 300 calories while making love to your significant other? Affection never looked so good.

7. Kissing keeps your heart healthy

- Kissing keeps your blood pressure & cholesterol level low. Kissing is an adrenaline producing activity. Adrenaline causes the heart to get pumping and increase blood circulation. The effects kissing has on your heart is essentially very similar to getting your heart going by aerobic exercise like running or bicycling.

8. Kissing makes you look good

- Kissing involves 34 facial muscles, and 112 postural muscles. The most important muscle involved in the peck is the orbicularis oris – as it puckers the lips. Good circulation in your face is one of the easiest, most inexpensive ways to stay young-looking and eliminate the appearance of lines and wrinkles. In fact, many women pay for facial massages to help circulate the blood. You can keep your significant other satisfied and look great all at the same time.

9. Kissing improves your mood

- Kissing has been known to reduce anxiety and stop any feelings of being overwhelmed. During a lip-lock the brain releases dopamine and which is responsible for feelings of desire and bonding, and serotonin that elevates your mood. The feelings and emotions stirred up, and molecules and chemicals released throughout the body from a kiss can heal emotional “boo boos.”

10. Kissing can cure allergies

- Kissing decreases IgE antibodies in the blood that are responsible for the release of histamine. Histamine release in the blood stream causes allergy symptoms such as sneezing and watery eyes. Therefore, more kissing means less sneezing and histamine release.


Why is the Philippines poor?

As a citizen of the Republic of the Philippines, I always wonder why is the Philippines poor? It is a very sensitive question for us Filipinos but once and for all we should know the answer to this question. 

I would like to share a good article written by: Arsenio Martin of Fort Arthur, Texas. Enjoy reading.

THE DIFFERENCE - Written by: Arsenio Martin Fort Arthur, Texas

The difference between the poor countries and the rich ones is NOT the age of the country:

This can be shown by countries like India & Egypt , that are more than 2000 years old, but are poor.

On the other hand, Canada , Australia & New Zealand, that 150 years ago were inexpressive, today are developed countries, and are rich.
The difference between poor & rich countries does NOT reside in the available natural resources.

Japan has a limited territory, 80% mountainous, inadequate for agriculture & cattle raising, but it is the second world economy. The country is like an immense floating factory, importing raw materials from the whole world and exporting manufactured products.

Another example is Switzerland, which does not plant cocoa but has the best chocolate in the world. In its little territory they raise animals and plant the soil during 4 months per year. Not enough, they produce dairy products of the best quality! It is a small country that transmits an image of security, order & labor, which made it the world’s strongest, safest place.

Executives from rich countries who communicate with their counterparts in poor countries show that there is NO significant intellectual difference.

Race or skin color are also not important: immigrants labeled lazy in their countries of origin are the productive power in rich European countries.

What is the difference then? The difference is the ATTITUDE OF THE PEOPLE, framed along the years by the education & the culture & flawed tradition.

On analyzing the behavior of the people in rich & developed countries, we find that the great majority follow the following principles in their lives:

1. Ethics, as a basic principle.

2. Integrity.

3. Responsibility.

4. Respect to the laws & rules.

5. Respect to the rights of other citizens.

6. Work loving.

7. Strive for savings & investment.

8. Will of super action.

9. Punctuality.

10. and of course...Discipline

In poor countries, only a minority follow these basic principles in their daily life.
The Philippines is not poor because we lack natural resources or because nature was cruel to us. In fact, we are supposedly rich in natural resources.

We are poor because we lack the correct attitude. We lack the will to comply with and teach these functional principles of rich & developed societies.


The Truth Why There are no Mercury Drugs on SM Malls

This issue has been resurrected recently and it's getting viral so for those who still don't know the story behind why there are no Mercury Drugs on SM Malls, I researched on the internet and found an interesting story. I'll just post it below.

Henry Sy, Sr. (born December 25, 1924) is a Chinese Filipino businessman with interests in retailing, real estate, hospitality, banking, mining, education including healthcare services. He pioneered

the establishment of SM Malls, anchored by Shoemart Department Store and Supermarket earning him the title; the Philippines’ Retail King. He is the chairman of SM Prime Holdings, Inc., the holding corporation for all his business interests in his vast business empire. In 2011, Forbes Magazine listed him as the no. 1 billionaire in the Philippines.

Have you ever wondered why there is no Mercury Drug in SM Malls here in Philippines? well… here’s the story…

Mr. Sy was a very ambitious man. He wanted to get rich more than 2 decades ago. He tried many businesses to get enough income but failed. After trying so hard to make both ends meet; he finally have earned enough money to start a small business.

Something crossed to his mind. He will build a small shoe store. He thought how could he get some customers.

An idea popped out.

He noticed that Mercury Drug, which is big drug store and been to the business for many years, has many loyal customers coming to them. He approached the owner and asked if he can rent and place his small shoe store there even with a very small portion. He was not allowed and got embarrassed even though he asked politely.

Mr. Sy then promised to himself that Mercury Drug will never step in his life when he gets rich. So in 1958, Mr. Sy established his shoe store in Quiapo, Manila, which became SM Quiapo, the first SM Mall, in November 1972.

Now, Mr. Sy is the richest man in the Philippines because of his own will and determination, gaining $5 billion in 2010, amid the global financial crisis. He is also the owner of Chinabank and operator of BDO. Aside from his numerous malls, supermalls and supermarkets in the Philippines, he also owns 6 SM Malls in Mainland China, and 1 SM Mall in Guam.

Now he never lets a single Mercury Drug do business in any of his SM malls. Instead he franchised Watson’s from Hong Kong which became the substitute for Mercury Drug.

- The Pooch (junior admin III)


Apple's Victory Over Samsung

Apple Inc. scored a sweeping legal victory over Samsung as a U.S. jury found the Korean company had copied critical features of the hugely popular iPhone and iPad and awarded the U.S. company $1.05 billion in damages.

Question: Which of the two do you think is better? why?

Leave your comments below.


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